She emailed me today, and I was jumping up and down!!!! Why, you ask? Well, mainly cause I love winning cool stuff. :) But also because I really want to master this beautiful stitch. Yes, I can do a basic RAW, but that's about it. The funny thing is, I immediately "got" CRAW after watching Heather Collins' awesome video. Now, it was probably just because she is such a phenomenal teacher, but it seemed so simple watching her video. I highly recommend you watch it!
Anndddd......we have been sick for most of the past two months, so I haven't had much inclination to post. But I also won a gorgeous package from Objects and Elements!!!
Ok, so enough eye candy right?
I've just gotta share the love with all my beady peeps, so stay tuned, I'm gonna work on some cool giveaways, 'k?
Blessings, Shirley