Two very awesome ladies, Karen Williams and Mandi Ainsworth, decided it would be fun to host a Freeform Peyote Challenge! I was so very excited to sign up, and today's the reveal day! I have to say, this has been a whirlwind of a project. I started out with something totally different, and it quickly grew out of all proportionate size. It would have been a 3 inch wide cuff if I had kept going. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but not what I normally wear...so, back to the drawing board. Karen started a great facebook group for Freeform Peyote, and I got such inspiration from seeing all the different interpretations. One in particular stood out for me. It was simply made in two colors. Like a lightbulb, I realized that I could also do that. And my two colors immediately jumped out for me....silver and hot pink!
Now, most freeform pieces go through an....ugly duckling stage. Where you look at it and wonder if it will ever grow up to be beautiful. Not so for this piece. From the moment I started it, I love each and every stage of it. This has been such a wonderful piece for me, and will be a treasure in my collection for many years to come.
I did a few things differently on this one than what I've done in the past. I wanted a bit of structure, so I ladder stitched silver 11's for one end, then strung several types of silver beads until I reached the length I wanted, then did another ladder stitched row for the other end. So I started with a rectangle of silver, which I then filled in with lacy strands of beads.
Thanks so much Karen and Mandi, for this challenge. It gave me better understanding of myself as a beader, and what I'm capable of creating. And a lovely addition to my jewelry box!
Here's the list of the participants-have fun hopping! Blessings, Shirley
Adventure Guides
Mandi Ainsworth
Karen Williams
Bobbie Rafferty
Sarah Meadows
Katherine Gale
Leanne Kirsch
Jean Hutter
Nancy Dale
Judy Riley
Natasha Wiegelman
Pam Chesbro
Stephanie Woods
Romana Tschunko
Bette Greenfield
Mary Harding
Melody Marie Murray
Shirley Moore You are here!
Sally Russick
Therese Frank
Tanya Goodwin
Christine Altmiller
Lea Paličková
Ivona Šuchmannová
Jennifer Chasalow VanBenschoten
Kay Haynes
Tammy Bowman
Alisa Lehman
Lori Callahan
Tami Norris
Jane Kettley
SaraBeth Cullinan
Julie Schmidt Bowen
Mandi Ainsworth
Karen Williams
Bobbie Rafferty
Sarah Meadows
Katherine Gale
Leanne Kirsch
Jean Hutter
Nancy Dale
Judy Riley
Natasha Wiegelman
Pam Chesbro
Stephanie Woods
Romana Tschunko
Bette Greenfield
Mary Harding
Melody Marie Murray
Shirley Moore You are here!
Sally Russick
Therese Frank
Tanya Goodwin
Christine Altmiller
Lea Paličková
Ivona Šuchmannová
Jennifer Chasalow VanBenschoten
Kay Haynes
Tammy Bowman
Alisa Lehman
Lori Callahan
Tami Norris
Jane Kettley
SaraBeth Cullinan
Julie Schmidt Bowen