I addition to that, I've got lots of new irons in the fire.One of which is the honor of being a guest blogger for Art Jewelry Elements! I love this blog, it's one of the few I actually keep up with on a regular basis.
I know, I have been a total slacker on posts...All I can say is, I'm trying to do better. It is rather hard to keep up with all the social media outlets and keep your finger in the pie, so to speak.
Facebook can literally eat up your day, but if you don't maintain a presence there, you're not going to have folks remember you when they are in need of a pretty piece of jewelry, you know?
I do have a Twitter account, and Instagram. I use the Twitter to post for giveaways, and that's about it.
I post pics of food I make on Instagram, and the adorable clay pieces my daughter creates.
I'm in the process of creating an online shop to finally! sell my designs. That was a looonngg time coming, let me tell you! I still don't have all the ins and outs figured out, but I just can't wait til I do, otherwise I'll be dead and someone else will be selling them!
Hope you're all doing well, gearing up for the Holiday Season! It is an exciting time, I love this part of the year, even though it's rather hectic. The weather turns cooler...
I start baking PUMPKIN EVERTHING!!!!!

So, what about you? Do you love this season of busyness, or dread it? Blessings, Shirley