Ok, did ya'll notice that I missed last Friday? Whew, good! I was hoping with the holiday rush, you'd let me slide.
So what am I blathering about, Keeping It Real? Well, let me tell ya. If you've spent any time hangin' out here, you know I'm a pretty blunt person. No hidden agendas, what you see is what you get, sometimes more than you ever wanted. Just sayin'.
I was scrolling through some of my bloggy friends, and saw the awesome Dawn Doucette's post for today. After I read it and cried, I noticed a blog on her list that looked interesting. So I jumped over there. (Ya'll do that too, right?) Now, the actual post that caught my eye was for Spinach Bread. YUM!!! Well, the title of my blog is Beads and BREAD!!!
But that's not what pulled me up short. It was her next post down. Where she talked about making some lifestyle changes. And this is something that's been on my heart for a while. Now, whenever I talk about this, my hubs immediately starts with the, "You need to cut out this, and don't do that, and start exercising, cause you sit too much...." Please tell me you know what I'm talking about, that I'm not the only one with a sweet, loving hubs that totally doesn't get how to motivate me??!!
And yes, I do know that talking about something like this is like Taboo at the holidays. But, see, I'm not talking about going on a diet. Cause we all know how that turns out, right? I'm talking about doing some stuff that will work for me. Like drink an extra couple of glass of water every day. Go with my kids to walk the dog, instead of sitting here on FB....
Now, I don't mean that I need to look like this....

If you'd like to join me, encourage me ,pray for me, or just lurk while I head out on this journey, please do. I know I'll need all the encouragement I can get.
Now, there are several blog hops today,including the AJE Components, and Erin's Color challenge, so go check out some lovely jewelry! Blessings, Shirley