We are fast approaching the new year, and, as always, I'm excited. It's like a fresh start, you know? I will be teaching a class at our homeschool co-op this semester, and I'm very excited about it. I want to show the kids how to use mixed media to explore the art world.
Here are a couple of projects:

Cigar boxes to transform into memory boxes.

My 11 and 9 yr old made these yesterday from scrapbook paper. you can make smaller ones to nest inside them, and finish off with a lid.

Gracie learned how to crochet a couple of years ago. I started making a baby blanket for a friend, which renewed her interest in it. This is to be a cap for herself. She is not using a pattern, so we'll have to see how that turns out! :)

I taught my 9 yr old how to crochet yesterday, and this is the result of his hard work. He really wanted to make an armband, but this was a bit too long for his little wrist. Do I really want a son who crochets a ton of stuff? No, but I do think that the fine motor skills he is developing from this are tremendous. And I really just want them to explore art in general, and not to be afraid of trying something, just because you don't know how to do it.
I didn't get to try crafts until I got married. My in-laws owned a hobby shop, so my hubs knew all sorts of crafty stuff. It has been such a joyous journey for me, and something I have become rather passionate about for kids. Which is why I listen to my sons enthuse about Legos to the 12th power with a smile on my face. Because their minds are exploring the possibilities. Which is vitally important for their generation. I fully believe
that their generation will create all the things my generation used to dream about.
So, even though I don't know very much about mixed media, and using recycled materials, I am going to teach a class on it...because it's important.
I would be thrilled with any ideas you may have for our class!
Blessings, Shirley