Ok, just to warn you, this post will probably not make a lot of sense, cause I'm totally jumpin' up and down excited!!! Played with Picnik forever today to get my teaser pics the way I wanted them, so here they are...
Mallory, I really, really hope you enjoy your soup, cause I gotta say....WOW!!!
I was so blown away when I got my package!! Yes people, I will be venturing out..way outside my comfort zone....wanna see???

Check out the lovely packaging! Totally rocks.
So, that's all ya'll wanted to see, right?? No? Well, then let's take a closer look, k?

Can you believe this focal? Oh, I am just drooling all over it, good thing it's glass!

And the back is as pretty as the front! I was still gasping over it, then my eye landed on....

This baby! Oh lordy, this picture so does not do it justice! The swirls in the bead are just creamaliscious. (like my new word?)
You know I would have been over the top happy with just that, right? But no, here comes even more beautiful goodies!

Awesome mix of stone chips, some really cool spacers in luscious orange, chocolate brown with a hint of red, and vanilla swirl. The far right are some sweet irregular shaped pearls. (I know there's a proper name, but I'm kinda, you know....giddy, right now)

LOVE this knarly, tough chain, and I'm super excited about the headpins. I've been wanting to buy some for a while now.

Here's another shot of the clasp. Can you see those colors?

I don't know diddly about stones, so all I can tell you is they are beautiful! A translucent wonder of reds, oranges, creams, and darker red shading to brown. You can see the bumpies on a couple of the spacers back there. Really cool!
All right, I know I probably used the word cool about 25 jillion times, but seriously, words just fail me.
The third topic of this post is the most important. Ya'll really can't know how thankful I am to Lori Anderson for setting all this up. I am a hobby beader, so I don't sell my stuff. That means that my beadwork doesn't give any return to our finances. I could not afford to make purchases of the quality and quantity that Mallory has sent to me. I am so very grateful to both of them for their generosity and talent. Thank you both, so much!!!
Blessings to all, Shirley