Friday, April 22, 2011

We won!!!

I say "we" in this post, because this win is definitely  not about me. Lisa Boucher over at Lisa's Clay Happenings gave away some wonderful autism pins she had created. I was one of the lucky winners. Check them out! Aren't they cute?

We have a new associate pastor for our church who has two young children with autism. One is high functioning, one is not. I have been around a few autistic children, and my personal feeling is that society is much harder on the high functioning children. Why? Because it is much harder to see, therefore people just assume they are being brats when they have functioning issues. One sweet little boy we knew in TN had a fixation on the color blue. And he literally couldn't handle it if he was asked to color something, and he wasn't given a blue crayon.  Autistic children can also amaze you with their intelligence. One young man (he just turned 16) can quote movies to you, line for line.
I am excited to learn even more about these special children, and to be able to use Lisa's pins to help other's understand more about autism as well.


  1. Congratulations on winning the pin! They are really cool looking. Autistic kids can be pretty amazing!

  2. They are lovely pins and I am glad to see more support for these very special people going around :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  3. Shirley, congrats to you and thank you for sharing such a positive note on kids with Autism.


I'm thrilled you stopped by! Thanks for your words of wisdom.