If you've never seen one of
Shelley's play dates, you're in for a treat! She so generously sends you a mix of beads, and she uses the same beads to create some beautiful jewelry. Her only rule is to use the focal beads, everything else is optional. Shelley is an amazing clay artist, and the focal beads are a stunning, deep orange, perfect for a fall piece.

Now this awesome woman also sent me some seriously cool coiled wire beads. As soon as I saw them, my mind of course went into beadweaving mode. They reminded me of one of my very favorite stitches, cellini spiral. I made a couple of cellini beads to accent Shelley's.
Now, here's the funny part for all you wireworking genius'. Shelley sent me a coil of extra wire to use. But when I opened the package, all I could think of was what a pretty flower that coil of wire made. Sooo, I just curled the ends around itself, and used it like as a pendant! Ok, ok, ya'll can stop giggling at me, I thought it looked cool!
I've been all into making star ornaments lately for Christmas, so it was just a natural to make a star to hang in my pretty flower coil. I followed that orange theme with a gorgeous goldstone bead in the center of the star.
I love Shelley's clasp, and I didn't want it hiding in the back, so I added it to the focus on the front.
This necklace pushed me so far out of my comfort zone, it was not even funny. I can tell ya'll, I absolutely suck at wirework. So just overlook my pitiful attempts, 'k?
There was a tiny chain in there, so on one side I tried to do a wired loop for my spiral bead, and on the other I tried to use that tiny chain. I DO NOT have awesome wire tools. I have generic needle nose pliers, and bent nose pliers. I already felt like I was all thumbs using those puppies, then I tried to open that twisted ring on that TINY chain....did I mention how small it was? Yep, real test of my patience there....
You can let me know if either side looks better, I can't really tell any difference between the two. My vision was for the spiral beads to be right up against the orange beads, so I may change it later. Right now, I'm just happy I got all those wires to semi behave. I used a tute from the Beaded Path for that cute little beaded bead on the other side.
I liked it so much, I created a couple more and made earrings with some very cute leaves that were in my goody bag as well.

Man, those are some seriously sad loops....

(Yes, they are the same length, I was going for artistic representation here, you know?)
I can't begin to thank Shelley enough for letting me play with her. This was such a great experience, and yet again, I've learned more about me and what kind of designer I am becoming. Even though I will NEVER win any prizes for wirework, I'm so proud of me for making earrings, and the wirework in the necklace.
Thanks again, Shelley, you took me to a new and wonderful place! Now go see what Shelley made with
Blessings, Shirley